But before an ideal client will buy from you, they will go through a decision making process. It’s one that each of us go through whenever we intent on purchasing anything.
The basics of consumer behavior is the psychological process from which an individual goes through the identifying moment of a “need” all the way to securing and finding their solution.
Problem Recognition
The first step in the process and most important is problem recognition. This is when the individual recognizes they have a problem and are in need of a solution.
There’s two ways this can be formulated — through external stimuli (ads, sales promotions, billboards, etc.) or internal stimuli (quite literally their thirst or internal behaviors).
Information Search
During this phase the individual is searching for their solution. This is when they internally make a choice to search for a solution or find information through external factors like print ads, online media, word of mouth or referrals.
During this phase they could be researching common terms on Google, searching relevant hashtags, searching for a solution on Pinterest, etc.
Evaluation Search
During this phase the individual is in the evaluation stage and has several products and/or brands that can help solve the need. The individual is evaluating based off of a variety of things — importance, relevance, and east of use.
The individual will continue to use their own judgement to decipher if a brand aligns with their values and can solve their issue.
Point of Conversion
This is the point when the individual evaluated the offerings and has made a purchase. However, during this phase the client can easily be dissuaded during the process from a variety of reasons:
A spouse that has a say in decision making process
Poor customer service
Too many options during the sales process causing overwhelm
Post Purchase Behavior
This is an extremely important phase and one you should pay close attention too. Many entrepreneurs are fixated on just the sale but not the post sale experience. This is what helps drive repeat business and referrals.
You have one shot to impress your clients and create a remarkable experience. If your client feels disappointment after investing, they might start the process again, but this time without your brand.
More questions or need some support on how to create a unique and memorable client experience? Feel free to check out my Client Experience Masterclass. During this recorded 90 minute masterclass we dive deep into the importance of Client Experience, how to properly analyze your customer journey and how to create, strategize and deliver exceptional service so you start to become known as a luxury brand in your industry. Click here to join the class!
A full-service editorial. consultancy serving modern, luxury brands. A full-service editorial. consultancy serving modern, luxury brands. A full-service editorial. consultancy serving modern, luxury brands.