Getting placements is one of the top priorities for many entrepreneurs. It gives you visibility, credibility and authority. But, simply getting mentioned won’t be as productive if you don’t create a content strategy that revolves around leveraging those placements and features. If you are struggling to convert your features into new clients or income, this […]

Featured, PR/Media

July 1, 2020

How to Incorporate PR Placements into your Content Strategy

In a world where everyone is watching, there is a heightened awareness that companies are expected to do more than create a product or service. Around the world, many corporate companies utilize corporate social responsibility practices to give back to the community and leave an impact. Social responsibility means prioritizing the big P’s: people, planet […]


June 23, 2020

Leveraging Social Responsibility Into Your PR Plan

One of the best things you can do to gain visibility, authority and growth is getting media mentions. It’s achievable but it won’t fall in your lap either, you have to work for it and be intentional. I was speaking with several writers for large publications and we were chatting about the biggest mistakes they […]


June 17, 2020

My Tips for Pitching Freelance Writers

It’s no surprise that the impact of a global pandemic has shift the economy as we know it. There simply has never been something like this in history, and even our parents and grandparents haven’t lived through something like this. Many businesses have had to restructure their revenue plans and that includes their marketing plans. […]


April 7, 2020

Marketing Strategies to Implement in Your Business During COVID-19

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